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Selina Maria Reusser and Christian S. Tröndle

Selina was born in Burgdorf, Switzerland in 1991. She grew up in Heimiswil, a little hamlet close by. After studying psychology at the University of Bern in 2012 for one semester, she realized that she had other interests and discontinued her studies. After some time of travelling, working and reorientation, she moved to Zurich, where she studied Anthropology, Popular Culture and Environmental studies.

Christian was born in Baden, Switzerland in 1987. After completing 10 years of mandatory school, he did an apprenticeship in a trust company and worked in various offices for a number of years while living in Aarau. He decided to study Popular Culture and Film Studies and moved to Zurich in 2013.

The two became a couple shortly before starting their studies in Zurich. They since developed a mutual interest in ethnographic filmmaking and have worked together on a number of projects related to their studies. They did not have any practical experience in fieldwork or using a video camera prior to this project. Unless stated otherwise, all videos on this website were shot and edited by them, all texts were written by them. After returning from Olala they moved into their first joint flat in Zurich.

By means of the experience they gained in the four weeks of staying at Olala Farms, they, along with fellow student Stella Noack, produced an ethnographic documentary film titled Blackmoore - Between Fantasy and Reality in 2016 and plan to continue working on different ethnographic film projects together.

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